Ancient weapons, modern training.
Fencing from the old masters, the people who had to use fencing in duels, street fights, and the battlefield, was thought to be lost to time forever.
However, through the hard work of scholars, historians, and athletes, the actual manuscripts of old fencing masters have not just been discovered, but deciphered and practiced
You can now learn and participate in the fencing schools of the renaissance and medieval periods as they were intended, all while in a safe, controlled environment.
Historical fencing has become one of the fastest growing combat sports in the world.
Don’t just play with swords, learn how to become a sword fighter.
Denver Historical Fencing Academy has available:
Military saber
Rapier & Dagger (coming Soon)
Interested in classes? Sign up for our waitlist to be notified when our next beginner’s course opens registration!
Come Join us.

Want to know who will be teaching you? Our instructors come from varying fencing backgrounds to make sure we find what works for you.
Also, they're kind of nice people.
Founding Instructor
Ambassador & Board Member
Head Instructor
Assistant Instructor
Assistant Instructor
Ambassador & Board Member
Assistant Instructor
Where we train
2059 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80210
Parking is behind the building off the alley.
Guest & Visitors:
Please contact before visiting - classes are closed to the public.
We are nice people with swords. You should come be a nice person with a sword too.
Have questions about classes, equipment, or HEMA? Send a message!
We are an adults only club. We do not respond to messages asking about age limits. We just don’t have the time, sorry.
You can also email us at instructor@denverhistoricalfencing.com
Find us on:
One of the oldest manuscripts in the world (1320's )features a priest teaching a student progressively more advanced counters.
Towards the end of the book, a woman fencer shows up, and proceeds to dismantle all of those techniques.
She is an expert fencer.
DHFA aims to be an inclusive space not just for men, but for all women, the LGBTQ+ community and all black, indigenous and other people of color who may need a space of kindness and support.
We are devoted to the cause of treating all human beings equitably, kindly, and fairly - not just within the walls of our organization, but outside as well.
DHFA offers scholarship memberships to those who qualify.
Beginner’s courses fill up fast, so sign up for our wait list to be notified of the next one!